学生辅导 & 注册(上升)

Your PBA journey will begin with a virtual experience called SOAR: 学生辅导 and Registration.

旨在向您介绍PBA的所有内容, your SOAR experience will be an opportunity to familiarize yourself with campus resources, 巩固你的课程表, 认识一年级的同学, 与顾问和员工交谈, 了解重要的信息,发现作为旗鱼等待着你的一切. 整个夏季, departments across the University will host live virtual information sessions and accept appointments for one-on-one meetings so you can get all of your questions answered.

Ready to SOAR?

你可以注册SOAR一旦你支付了你的 注册订金. Visit the link below to register for a variety of different opportunities to get yourself ready to arrive this Fall! All of these virtual opportunities will take place over Microsoft Teams and are encouraged for all incoming students. 欢迎家长与学生一同出席. 你也可以与校园资源进行一对一的虚拟预约! Skim through the information below to learn more and register here when you’re ready to SOAR!


欢迎,未来的旗鱼! 我们很高兴你能成为旗鱼家族的一员. Look through the tabs below to explore more about each of the available SOAR sessions, 如果你有更具体的问题,也可以安排一对一的会面.

Before you arrive, you’ll need to complete all of the items on your 登记清单. 你可以找到你的注册清单 here.

了解更多关于奖学金的信息, 提交FAFSA, and how to take care of your bill so you’re ready to dive into your time as a Sailfish.


如需经济援助,请联系 finaid@xgcr.net or 561-803-2126

有关学生账户事宜的帮助,请联系 student_accounts@xgcr.net or 561-803-2152

For your first semester at PBA, the Academic GPS office assists in building your course schedule. Learn more about how to request changes to your schedule so you can get the classes you need to start strong.

如果你有问题,请联系 academic_gps@xgcr.net or 561-803-2072


我们是注册办公室的一个团队,为您创建第一个时间表, 协助学位计划和建议. GPS代表引导、计划和调度.


登录到MyPBA并单击“学生”选项卡. 然后点击左侧的我的课程安排. 如果时刻表默认为2023年春季, 点击查看详细信息,将学期更改为2023-2024秋季学期.


The weekdays are M (Monday), T (Tuesday), W (Wednesday), R (Thursday), and F (Friday). 因此,一个被列为TR的班级在周二和周四上课.

在我的课程表上有一门课没有列出日期或时间,而是显示为“OL”。. 这是什么意思??

This is a fully online class using our online learning software called Canvas (go to MyPBA, Quick Links, Canvas和使用PBA登录凭据). 这门课没有实际上课.


子条款是加速部分,每8周而不是16周. Subterm A meets the first half of the semester (in Fall 2023 the dates are 8/21-10/15) and Subterm B meets the 2nd half (10/16-12/10). Note that a Subterm B class might not show up in Canvas until near the start date of the class.


You will need to meet with one of the GPS team either in-person, by phone or by Zoom after 6/1/23.

我发现我的课程表上有一个错误(我注册了一门我已经上过的课), 类是冲突的, etc). Who do I tell?

Email Academic_GPS@xgcr.net 我们会改正的. 你不需要预约,也不需要等到6月1日.

How do I change my major from what I originally entered on my application or Course Registration Form?

You can email Academic_GPS@xgcr.net 随着时间的变化,我们将根据需要调整您的日程安排.

我已经获得了AA学位. 这能免除我的任何要求吗?

Yes. 大部分信仰, Roots, and Reason (General Education) requirements are automatically met with the exception of Exploring the Bible, 美国社会的自由, 和基督教价值观. 但是,必须是授予的副学士学位. 其他如理学副学士、应用科学副学士等. 是否被视为其他转移工作并逐行评估.

我把成绩单寄给了我的招生顾问. 还有什么我需要做的吗?

Make sure you have submitted official transcripts which are those sent directly from your previous school to PBA. 您上传的文件不被视为正式文件. Dual enrollment courses taken during high school must be on an official college transcript. 我们不能从高中成绩单中接受他们.


你可以十大赌博网站的办公室,电话是 Academic_GPS@xgcr.net. Official AP & CLEP成绩由大学委员会评定.org website. IB和AICE都有自己的门户.

Find out more about the housing application process and important details to make sure you’re prepared to move in to your new home away from home.


如果您有与住房有关的问题,请联系 reslife@xgcr.net or 561-803-2555


All guiding principles can be found The Navigator, which is our PBA Student conduct policies. 如果你是住宿学生, 关于博彩平台网址大全的其他政策可以在住宿生活手册中找到. 这两份文件都可以在我们的网站上找到 学生问责页面 在大学网站上. 所有学生每年都必须遵守文件中列出的政策.


每个卧室都配有一张XL双人床,书桌,桌椅和梳妆台. 大多数公寓都提供一些公共房间家具(沙发和/或椅子)。.


新学生将于8月15日星期四入住 & 8月16日星期五. 入住需预约. 住宿部将在分配房间后开放预约时间. 如果你是PBA Lead或Accelerate的成员,你将在7月27日早些时候进入.


关于什么可以带,什么不可以带,请参阅《博彩平台网址大全》. 居住生活手册




这两件物品都不允许挂在墙上. 这两种都会严重破坏墙壁. You can still use your LED light strips but need to attach them with small tacks or painters’ tape.


最初的大厅分配将于4月18日公布. 学生们将在5月25日找到他们的具体房间安排.


是的,所有大一新生在第一学期都有宵禁. You can earn the privilege of not having curfew for the spring by respecting the policy. 宵禁时间见手册.




不,两个都有火灾隐患. You cannot have any items with an exposed heat element including cookware such as crock pots, 乔治·福尔曼烧烤, etc.


是的,每个房间都有一个迷你冰箱(最大4立方英尺)和一个微波炉. 每个大厅都有常见的微波炉和冰箱.


一旦你被分配到你的大厅, you can use the feature on the housing portal called “Roommate Search” to connect with students. You must be mutually matched in the system prior to May 25 to be placed with your preferred roommate.


一旦你拿到房间分配, 你可以把自己加入住房门户网站上的“换房”等候名单. 如果我们能让你搬家,我们会联系你的.

探索与学术支持相关的学生可用选项, 残障设施, 以及其他无障碍资源.

如果您有问题,请十大赌博网站 academic_support@xgcr.net or call 561-803-2063

我们是来帮忙的 you talk through insurance documentation and share about the mental health resources available to all students.

与我们联系 counseling_wellness@xgcr.net or call 561-803-2576


Counseling & Wellness Center
南弗拉格勒大道901号.O. Box 24708


(P) 561-803-2576 (F) 561-803-2499

对签证、文件、旅行等有疑问吗? 我们是来帮忙的!


你应该到最近的美国移民局申请签证.S. embassy or consulate in your home country using the admission letter and I-20 form from the ISS (国际学生服务) Office at PBA. 你必须支付I-901 SEVIS费用. You can schedule a visa appointment up to 365 days in advance of your program start date.

What is SEVIS?

SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) is the system used to create and update immigration records for F-1 Visa students.


The Affidavit of Financial Support enables international F-1 Visa applicants to verify that they have the necessary financial means to support their education. 核实财务支持也为你向美国大学展示做准备.S. 大使馆/领事馆官员证明你能负担得起你的教育费用. Demonstrating that you have sufficient funding is important to a successful application for an F-1 Visa. 资金可以来自你的个人账户, sponsors, scholarships, loans, 或者是这些来源的组合.


国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. federal or state financial aid but may be eligible for other sources of financial aid and scholarships. 本科生可以有资格获得PBA学术奖学金,以减少学费. 这是一个显著的节省! 要了解更多关于奖学金的信息,请联系你的招生顾问.


请浏览网站 www.studyinthestates.dhs.gov to get official and updated information about every step in the process of being an F-1 international student.


仅仅在美国生活和学习,你就会学到很多东西, but it is best to acquire as much information as possible before you come to the United States. 国际学生等网站.Com和studyusa.Com提供有用的信息.

了解你所在国家的货币如何兑换成美元也很有帮助.S. dollars and how various measurements in your home country differ from some in the United States.

如果我在美国有任何问题,我可以联系谁.S. port?

Please, 联络我们的主要指定官员, 国际空间站办公室主任, Dawn Musgrave-Demarest at 561-803-2162 or PBA Public Safety Office at 561-803-2500 and they will contact a school official.


为了在校外工作, you must obtain work authorization from the ISS Office prior to engaging in any employment. Please remember you need to be an international student for at least one year before applying for off-campus employment.


Yes! Please, 请注意,一些校内工作是由联邦勤工俭学计划资助的, 和F-1签证的学生没有资格从事这些工作. However, 一些校内工作对持F-1签证的学生开放, 这些工作可以在PBA Handshake上找到. 请注意,F-1签证的学生必须在校园内申请.


您可以通过十大赌博网站的ISS办公室与PBA的其他国际学生联系. 请电邮至 iss@xgcr.net 了解更多信息.


Parents and students: Join a session to hear from a panel of representatives from a variety of campus departments and resources, 包括公共安全部等等!

如果您对停车有疑问,请十大赌博网站 campus_parking@xgcr.net or call 561-803-2500


If you have any questions about SOAR that don’t pertain to any of the above departments, 我们鼓励您通过以下方式与我们联系 admit@xgcr.net or call 561-803-2100.